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Happy New Year! 2020 RECAP
A few of our highlights from 2020: 1. Taking part in Veganuary, and sending loads of our pistachio drinks to business centers. 2. Celebrating the National Pistachio Day at Bluewater Shopping Centre. 3. Receiving a World Food Innovation Award for our...

How To Recycle Pistachio Shells
Just a couple of months ago, we have received an email from a budding artist, Sheilla, who was trying out artwork with pistachio shells. Sheilla kindly asked us if we could send her over some...

Recycling Pistachio Butter Jars - DIY holder
After using so many units of pistachio butter, we come up with new ideas, how we could use the empty jars. Best of all, it’s a great way to reuse glass jars instead of simply...

Pistachios - Precious and/or Expensive?
Regardless of whether you’re a fan of pistachios or no, if you’ve ever purchased any of our Borna products on our website, Amazon, eBay or Whole Foods Stores, you’ve probably wondered about the price. Our pistachios or...

DIY pistachio face mask - hydration bomb
Since everyone wants to have a pampering skin, we decided to go for an extra mile and create a homemade pistachio face mask recipe for our brand lovers.

Nutty Facts for World Pistachio Day!
Yesterday our team at Borna HQ was celebrating World Pistachio Day like crazy… Whoop whoop! It’s a day that has been set aside for all of the pistachio lovers. People say it’s bad luck not...

Pistachio Shell Candle Holder
If you’re a person that hates wasting any resources such as pistachio shells that have a lovely form, you came to the right place. WE HATE THAT TOO! Therefore, we want to teach you how...

Pistachio Shell Foot Scrub - Natural Recipe
We’re always trying to think of new way to recycle our pistachios shells. I’ve conjured up a pistachio foot scrub that is 100% natural and works wonders on your feet, making them one less thing to...