Idea and testing.
On a cold day in January, our Borna Foods directors Behnam and Bahram entered the office with our first ever sample of a new pistachio baby. We can’t tell what it is just yet, so please be patient and wait for a couple of days until we reveal it to the public.
The moment we all tried it, we knew that it would conquer the world. The taste was absolutely amazing. To make sure the public will love it, we decided to give some samples to the people who are working in the same building as we do, also to test it in food trade shows such as International Food Exhibition and Natural Organics Products Europe. If you’ve met us there, you probably already know what our pistachio baby is, shhhh, don’t tell anyone. 😉
With a few recommendations given, we have decided to improve our baby’s recipe a little so the truly natural taste would be loved by everyone. null
Packaging design.
Our task was to create a story with our design and represent us as the coolest pistachio supplier everrr. Therefore, we have asked our secret designer from Russia, who is extremely talented, to help us implement our dream artwork.
Everyone in our Borna team couldn’t agree more that the hardest decision made during this product packaging development was definitely picking the colour. A battle between our male and female team members, thankfully, was finished without any blood released and we have picked some vibrant shades for our new product packaging. Hooray!
The next step was to translate some important label information in a couple of different languages so that not only our fans in the UK but also our followers from French, Spanish and Arabic speaking countries could read and understand them. Our marketing executive Inesa has spent so much time making sure that all the translated information is correct and in the right place, that she started offering her translation services to everyone in our office; one-hour Spanish mini-course for only £10, anyone??
Finally, after a ridiculous number of attempts, together with our lovely designer we have finally finished creating a product packaging which we love with all our hearts. We really hope you will find it as perfect as we do. 😊
After getting the packaging done, our international dwarfs took everything into their magical hands and produced a pistachio miracle. Yayyy!
Future Plans.
Go hard or go home! Do you agree??
After launching our new baby on social media, our sales manager Gemma will be hitting some big retailers and trying to get our product into the shelves ASAP so that it would be easily reached by everyone! Until then, please keep an eye on our website, Amazon and eBay where you could just easily purchase it from there and please please please do not forget to leave a review, it means a great deal to us!
Anyway, thank you very much for reading our new pistachio baby product development story and don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on Instagram & Facebook for more product updates!
Inesa Slevaite, Marketing Executive at Borna Foods