Yesterday was the last day of ANUGA in Cologne, the world’s leading industry meeting place for the food and beverage industry. We were all very excited to take part in the long-missed in person trade show and get back to those face to face encounters that are so imperative for our business relationships.
With over 4,600 exhibitors from 98 countries and over 70,000 visitors from 169 countries, the fair was once again buzzing with energy and excitement. This long anticipated trade show gave the Borna team a chance to reconnect with customers, industry colleagues, as well as with new business partners.
The attendees of this year’s ANUGA were able to try all our nut butters, our pistachio drinks, and our brand new TRAIL MIX. The response was overwhelmingly positive and we couldn’t be more excited to keep providing our customers with all the nutty goodness of our Borna products.
Thank you so much to the organisers and to the FDEA for having us! The Borna Foods team had an amazing experience and we can’t wait to go again next time.